Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let go!

When you let go, life comes back to you, in full swing. Its of course easier said, than done. I understand. I know great expectations can lead to greater frustrations. So today, I just tried to let go of something. Something that was weighing me down from inside out for quite some time. Against all my wishes to look beyond and above.

Just this morning I took one moment to look at whats at hand, think about things that surround me. And decided to let go of this weight. And WOW! I can just feel so light. No regrets. No hatred. No remorse. No nothing. Only a pure sense of relief.

Anything that weighs you down - the past, ego, toxic relationships, etc - you will feel the pain only as long as you are holding on to them. The moment you realize these type of weights are a liability and you will gain peace by letting go, that is the moment of true liberation. Let go!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Its again all about choices. The right choice at the right time can take you to the right place. The place that you want to be. So why is the dilemma? Because we are after all, humans :) With the mind that gets comfortable in the familiar settings. We know we want to explore whats out there and move on. But still a tiny little voice says hey don't leave your cocoon. Its warm and cozy. But if the butterfly does not come out of the cocoon, what happens? Stifled death. No one will know the once ugly wiggly worm can become a beautiful butterfly that can actually fly.

So do not resist the change. Make the choice. Opportunity knocks on your door only once. You know you have the potential to become a butterfly and fly. So don't get comfortable, don't always stay back in the warmth...The world is so vast. Experience the possibilities. Explore the opportunities.

Oh well - I always hate to play Prince Hamlet. So it is not To be or Not to be.

I was here. Yes. Met some great people. Check. Made some memories. Check. Had a wonderful opportunity to enrich and evolve professionally and personally. Awesome. Move on. Time and tide waits for no man. Carry the memories. Cherish the people. And go, grow, explore and expand. God Bless.