Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Time and Little More!

Time is eternal. Time cannot be contained in a clock! Clock ticks for 24 hours and goes back to begin, just like the waves, going back and forth, back and forth tirelessly until one day we humans stop watching. Time is Time!

Time and again I am reminded of the eternity and ever changing continuity of time, and yet i forget. Forget this moment is NOT going to last forever, forget my time on this universe is so ephemeral, forget my kids are not going to be kids forever, forget this cleaning is never going to be done until I am obscure.

Its not philosophy and it is not poetry, but a plain simple understanding of reality. Nothing lasts. So yes, wake up! Add a spring to your step. If you want to do something do not wait until you HAVE to do it. Start now. Like I did. I wanted to write this blog when I read these lines in my own email. If I had waited as I endlessly did all of this past year, this would never have been written!