Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On human rights...1. Religion

We all have our right to religion. Whatever religion we follow is our choice. We can follow anything we believe in. Following a religion, does not mean hurting the others that do not follow the same. No religion talks about hurting others.

We do not have the right to ridicule or make fun of other religions as well. As much as what we follow is ours, what others follow is theirs. Being sensitive to faith and belief is one of an important survival requirement.

Live your life your way, and let others live their life their way. Never get behind the superiority feeling. Because truly absolutely everyone is the same. We may believe in lot of different things. But we all need food when we are hungry, sleep to stay healthy and love to keep us going. NONE of us can live without these three human needs. Then how can someone be a superior or inferior to someone else?

Above all - all humans die. Immortality is not even a remote possibility, even with all the science and technology. Knowing that we all die one day, someday...sooner or later...why be unhappy?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


What makes a child pout and scream? What triggers a toddler hit another? What causes an elementary school kid bully? Why does a teen hurt? What makes someone just shoot at random? What made someone create the disastrous nuke that haunts innocents even today in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why did a meticulous plan made unsuspecting humans die a gruesome death on 9/11? And why does people so inhumanly treat fellow humans in SriLanka and Syria and all over the world???

Anger? hatred? madness? It all stems from one human...and works its way into the society, and spreads like a forest fire in perfect dry, windy, hot condition. Of course hatred and anger are hot red feelings. As those feelings churn inside a human, they burn everything around and inside...

From time immemorial, as far as the humans have a tractable history, we have had anger, hatred and of course war. But back them people had a reason, motive to kill. The wars happened in the outskirts and the innocent citizens were protected. Now that we are evolved in everything, killing innocents is the new revenge. If someone gets mad, they decide to take a gun and shoot at random - killing normal innocent, completely unconnected human beings...and when another country wants to take it out, just drop a bomb or find some innovative way to mass destruct. Even within the same country, things that affects us so strongly happen and people live and die through it...

Isn't it simply crazy to think about? It was 9/11 yesterday and a family that lost found a hand written note from that person, apparently he wrote and threw out the window before dying. His bloody thumb print was DNA checked to confirm it was him who wrote it. It was his last attempt to reach our to humanity while suffering God knows what amount of pain and anguish...God I shudder to imagine such pain. And this family thought he had died a sudden death. The anguish this note causes is true not to just that family but every single one lost in every single gruesome incident. And every single human being who still have sensitivity to fellow human.

I still want to believe this is a peaceful place to live and try all I can to impart the value of humanity to my children. But I cannot erase the agony of living in the world especially, in this dream turned nightmare.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Prayer

If we know the answers for the "if"s and "but"s of our lives, we will have no "why"s. Sometimes certain things happen. We know that hurts. From our perspective, its extremely unfair. We also know that God has a reason. That is if we believe in Him. But why? Why should something happen to someone...anyone? Why not give life, let live and take away the life when time comes? Why the suffering, pain for the one who goes through and for those around? Nope - Its no use asking. Its again the unexplainable mystery of God, Nature or whatever...

Just heard someon I know is in a phase of serious suffering. I have seen that in my family as well. This suffereing, like a crab, hides and surfaces at its will from unknown regions. When you hear such information what do you Pray? I tried praying. Really. But was at a serious loss of words... what to ask I ask for cure? My pramatism knows its really a long road filled with pain and even more suffering. So do I ask a free from pain phase? I know what it means. God its so painfully confusing.

Now God, whatever your plans are, just take care and give strength to the sufferer and all those around to deal with it and come out in peace. Give them light to see you and feel you. In moments of pain and anger, let them come closer to you and not far... I know not what to ask...I know you have your own reasons...So God, you do what you think is best and take care of the mortals in the way that will bring us much closer to you in spirit and being.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


காற்றைப்போலே எங்கும் நிறைக்கும்
நினைவே மெல்ல  நெஞ்சில் வருடும்
காலம் என்பது கனவாய் கரைய
வாழும் நாட்கள் நனவில் நிறைக்க

நாட்கள் வாரங்கள் மாதங்கள்
வருடங்களும் கூட கடந்த போதும்
காதல் தந்த சொந்தம் என்றும்
இதமாய் சுகமாய் இனிதான சுமையாய் ....