Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Banging, crowding, shuffling
Thoughts flood the mind...
These random moments with
Rapid bustle of words paralyzes.

Yet another news
Just another post
Stops not these waves
Flowing at a will of its own.

Friday, August 10, 2012

That something...

That something keeps returning-

A momentary monument
A monumental moment
A gentle lingering warmth
A sudden shivering cold...

Life's passing moments
Simple forever pleasures
Confusingly complex feelings
Accumulates making me what I am...

I live many lives a day.
The person I am
The person I want to be
The person I wish I was
The person I might be if I did...

Through everything
This something keeps returning
That keeps me going
The bittersweet memory...

That shadows me forever.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A nightmare

It’s a dream turned nightmare. The American dream slowly deteriorating into a nightmare. Its not new. Its not old. It’s here forever in the society. The deadly weapons. Why? Do we belong to an age that needs us to hunt for our meal? Don't we have a security, protection system? Are we living in uncivilized nation of barbarians and cannibals that a common man needs weapons? What makes the sellers sell them? And what makes the buyers buy them? What makes someone decide to kill people?

Seemingly innocent, responsible citizens of this beautiful country own weapons. And when they get upset over something, they just decide to kill people. And the seemingly resonsible citizens who govern do not want to do anything about it. To regulate. To stop. To protect. because they might have one stashed away in their closet as well. What is the logic of someone walking on a theater and shooting at individuals they this someone has no connection with? What is the logic in walking into a temple, mall, school, university and shooting at unsuspecting people going about their prayer or everyday routine?

Living in a constant fear doesn't call this nation a land of opportunity. We all make noises when something like this happen. Share our condolences on the social networks. Some of us are scared even to do that. Because we don't want to share our personal opinions in public in fear of invoking someone's wrath. God - what has this country come to? Is it really the end of the world? The second coming is near? Things are seriously falling apart and the center cannot hold...

If ever there needs to be a WW III, it must be on the society, by the society. This war must stop all social degeneration, deterioration and detoxicate the individuals. Destroy all weapons, instill humanitarianism, bring out the natural humane approach. bring out a green revolution. Live and let live the fellow humans...Oh God – that’s my dream. I shudder to live this nightmare.