Sunday, September 28, 2008

Political entertaintment or Entertaining politics?

What the heck is happening in TN politics??? Just Who is governing people?? What do they do to budget, govern and protect the state at large???? What has entertainment industry to do with politics? Especially the largest entertainment industry, cinema - what does it have to do with the kuppan, suppan and appan in the rural TN working their life away for every single meal??

I just read a news article on Karunanidhi and his daughter Kanimozhi. These two people, being plunged nose deep(should i say neck deep??) in TN politics are releasing audio cassette for a movie by Prakash raj "Abhiyum Nanum", the claim being this movie is about a father and daugter so its only apt that MK and his daughter release the cd or cassette whatever.

How can we/public can be soooooooooo naive to take these Cheif Ministers and ministers taking part in petty audio release and movie launcing programs? Oh my God to think of how the cinema and TN politics is so intertwined and all messed up "My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains..."

Here I am raving and ranting like a toad in dark muddy midnight waters, who ever will start thinking about the sheer stupidity of getting all entertainters onto politics? Getting into cinema industry in TN is becoming the necessary qualification for getting an identity into politics. To read of everybody's dreams for the "Mudalvar Narkali"... is that some sort of musical chair for everyone from Vijay to Vadivelu to dream about? Lets get the entertainers out of politics. Let all politicians do their job for people and do not do "Politics" with cinema. Jesters and poets entertainmed Kings, but they didn't take over ruling the country those days. If a jester becmes a King TN will just become like the fictitious place in "Irubathu Moonram Pulikesi". Let us wake up.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eat Pray Love - Elizabeth Gilbert

I just finshed reading this book. Finished it not because I consider this as the greatest bestseller. I even wonder why and how this is a bestseller....The author has published her diary, that too not very captivating for my expectation.

Then why did I start reading it at all? The title was very captivating and talks about all the three things I love to do - Eat, Pray and Love. Well not to get inot a serious criticism, I have to admit she has some brilliant sentences.

Read this " Silence and solitude are universally recognized as spiritual practices, and there are good reasons for this. Learning how to discipline your speech is a way of preventing your energies from spilling out of you through the rupture of your mouth (how very brilliant), exhausting you and filling the world with words, words, words instead of serenity, peace and bliss." So few more such sentences are scattered, just a few more. I wish she had cut down on the self analysis through out and wrote more on the above line. But I guess as readers we cannot resist reading other's personal diary if we get a chance.

Be it a celebrity or another un assuming non existant personality, secretly or openly knowing what they think and do always has a magical aura of mystery.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


My bath tub is designed in the shape of the coffin.

Everytime I head to the bathroom I just cannot stop thinking of how coffins originated. Well yes, I am very much familiar with mummified remains of ancient Greek kingdom and coffins ofcourse are as old as civlization. I remember in some John Keats poetry, was it Ode to Autumn or greecian Urn?, not sure...he has written about the Urns and my professor back in college talked about coffins when we read that poem in class.

So how do the coffin makers feel when they make it? May be this question is inappropriate at this period, now everything is mechanized for mass production. But I believed until recently coffins were made by hand. What criteria they used to choose the wood and how did they decide on the traditional shape? Because the hands are folded did they want a breadth on the top part of the coffin? They know (Obviously) they are making the coffin for a person who lived, breathed, loved, hated, thought, ate etc etc..just like any of us. Do they onlymake coffins in one size? One size that fit all?

Its very funny I get such questions, but I am sure my bath tub is shaped like a coffin. I wish I could talk to a coffin maker...


Even with hydrophobia, I love watching the vast expanse of ocean and playing with waves. But, waves had always been as elusive as the dragon fly I could never catch as a child. The fact that I lived just a few miles away from the sea shore didn't help me to get any close encounter with waves. Bay of bengal being quiet on my side of India never created anyting more than a ripple whenever I had a chance to visit the Seaside village and the sea shore hidden among debris.

California sea shores are enchanting and enigmatic to me in a very satisfying way.But I didnt get my first encounter with waves until 2002, in Scott creek Beach, California. Tucked on a beautiful crevice on highway 1, Scott creek beach offers magical moments of beauty, pleasure and wisdom if we care to spend a few minutes or hours on the shore, just looking at the ocean.

On a windy evening, we were standng on the beach and picking up colored stones, joking we are picking somebody's lost treasures. I was completely pregnant with my first one. Suddenly I heard my husband call, "RUN". I realized it was a big wave after getting hit and struggling to get up from the wet sand!! I am sure the wave, seeing my interest in waves wanted to give me a welcome hug! We witnessed a spectacular sunset that day on the beach!

Manresa (Near Santa Cruz) is another beach where waves sometimes are as high as three feet on normal business days and even weekends! Couple of weeks ago, as my friends wanted to have a closer encounter with waves and walked closer into the water, I was (kind of should I say scared?) not ready to wade into the water. But when they teased me, I braced myself and walked about 2 feet deep into the ocean. Wow to experience the waves slamming into you....

The uncertainity of the height of the waves, loosing your footing, slipping sand, returning water pushing from back....just like the way life teases us when we are ready and forces us with a dramatic clash when we are simply not! If only we can develop the relentless perseverence of the waves...slamming the shores forever through the ages.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


The whirlwind of emotions, intentional an un intenional words used for and against one another and the terrible assumptions these word create in everybody's mind can be as deadly dangerous as any hurricane. We being social animals look for similarities in people to group together and like to identify ourselves with a group of like minded indiviuals.

Life, without these individuals to share a laugh, story or a tear will be bleak (for some). So where does the assumption come in? When people forget "we are group" and try to connect at a higher level with one person as a "closer friend", things start getting funny. So meeting out of the group and talking frequently with more familiarity increases the assumptions among others in the group.

We learn life's important lessons from all experiences. From one such experience came this knowledge. When you are in a group, be only a team player and NEVER sport personal favourites. DO NOT gossip about the group within the group. Never "confess" your feelings about people to whoever you think is your friend. They might be closer to the other person involved!

Robert Frost rightly said in Mending Wall, "Good Fences make good neighbors". Ours might be all apple orchards and our neighbors all prunes. Still having a boundary, a wall, and keep it well mended has a great effect on the relationship between neighbors. Not just for neighbors, but in every single relationship, be it family or social circle, a clear understanding of our "wall" will defnitely keep us from many intruders!!

Lessons learned enriches personality!