Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Even with hydrophobia, I love watching the vast expanse of ocean and playing with waves. But, waves had always been as elusive as the dragon fly I could never catch as a child. The fact that I lived just a few miles away from the sea shore didn't help me to get any close encounter with waves. Bay of bengal being quiet on my side of India never created anyting more than a ripple whenever I had a chance to visit the Seaside village and the sea shore hidden among debris.

California sea shores are enchanting and enigmatic to me in a very satisfying way.But I didnt get my first encounter with waves until 2002, in Scott creek Beach, California. Tucked on a beautiful crevice on highway 1, Scott creek beach offers magical moments of beauty, pleasure and wisdom if we care to spend a few minutes or hours on the shore, just looking at the ocean.

On a windy evening, we were standng on the beach and picking up colored stones, joking we are picking somebody's lost treasures. I was completely pregnant with my first one. Suddenly I heard my husband call, "RUN". I realized it was a big wave after getting hit and struggling to get up from the wet sand!! I am sure the wave, seeing my interest in waves wanted to give me a welcome hug! We witnessed a spectacular sunset that day on the beach!

Manresa (Near Santa Cruz) is another beach where waves sometimes are as high as three feet on normal business days and even weekends! Couple of weeks ago, as my friends wanted to have a closer encounter with waves and walked closer into the water, I was (kind of should I say scared?) not ready to wade into the water. But when they teased me, I braced myself and walked about 2 feet deep into the ocean. Wow to experience the waves slamming into you....

The uncertainity of the height of the waves, loosing your footing, slipping sand, returning water pushing from back....just like the way life teases us when we are ready and forces us with a dramatic clash when we are simply not! If only we can develop the relentless perseverence of the waves...slamming the shores forever through the ages.

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