Thursday, December 24, 2009

Up in the Air!!!!!!!!!

This is what I call Up in the air :) A photo from San Jose Holiday Parade, 2009! Loved every minute of the parade and the enthusiasm the performers (most of them school kids around the bay area) showed on the cold gray morning, made even the dreary weather sparkle!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Well another random outburst from a personal experience. I, like many other consider my blog where I can unload my rubs with life's experiences and raw emotions.

People come in all colors, shapes and sizes. A line I read some where, may be in a book that I read to my children about the human diversity. Yep RIGHT! People do come in all shapes and sizes and mentalities.

Treat thy neighbor as yourself. Excuse me??? What are you talking about?? Why the hell should I treat my neighbor as I would treat myself? Its a free world, I can do whatever I want, what ever I like. I don't need to worry about how its affecting my neighbor! This is the new rule. you don't come preaching me goodness!!

I have lot of pet peeves when it comes to people. People who call you at odd hours to talk about their comfort and who do not even want to return a genuine call of distress or a problem - mind you a problem that bothers you and not them. People who shamelessly manipulate every other individuals with a serious self focus, cannot think about how it inconveniences the other person. People who always say they never have the kind of time to return calls. People who do not respond to emails. The kind that never feels sorry or say sorry for a mistake they commit, the kind that takes you for granted to suit their own purposes all the time, the list goes on with a few more kinds.

Sometimes I wonder if something is wrong with me, because I always return my calls, respond to emails and really follow up on issues people share with me. And someone important to me always tells me not to do all these. I respond with - well that is what I am. I like to respond to people's call or emails. But he says because you do that, people think you have nothing better to do. Is that right? I'm not sure.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Ye fellow parents! To read about budget woes is disheartening and to read how budget woes are affecting the future - which will lead to more budget woes is...oh soooo cruel. Confused what I'm talking about? Take a moment to read below.

America can spend trillions for war and justify it. Also America can cut millions from schools and justify it. Schools that produce the future generation. Future generation that shape the society. The society that plan another budget with aother crisis.

I was talking to my friend just yesterday who was longing for Clinton Era. She - lucky one who had experienced the Clinton Era said, everything was prosperopus and beautiful. What happened to all those prosperity in a decade? Did we give everything to the war - so much so that we are ready to deprive our children with essential education?

With misplaced priorities the whole humanity is tumbling into a void. God Save the Humanity.

A Decade of Decline???

Surfing yahoo news article I had a glimpse of a headline - after 10 years they still cannot decide a name for this decade. It was just a passing, but as I hit the hay for the night - that one line robbed me of slumber for a good hour.

First of all - why should we name any decade?? Time passes. Every minute we live is gone. And what we do in that particular minute or year sometimes alter the whole world, environment to a great extent. So we can think about doing something worthwhile - simply like avoiding Styrofoams utensils, using less paper towels etc to protect the environment. May be using less energy by less web time?? Yeah I guess that counts in too!

If at all they - whoever they are - are still thinking about naming this decade - My humble suggestion - How about A DECADE OF DECLINE? I do have my reasons, valid ones that you all will agree.

In this past ten years, I am noticing the following increasingly declining:

Moral Values - in personal life & business.
Honesty - in general. What is once considered dis honest is now cloaked as business tactics.
Modesty- Slutty seems to be the new fashionable.
Privacy - I don't see any privacy in common communication. People tend to discuss every little personal detail in public forums.

Not to mention the economic woes, poverty, war, natural disasters and the crime rate increases. What do we have to be proud of in the larger sense to name this decade? So why not a decade of Decline?