Friday, December 14, 2012

Please God...

A shearing pain explodes inside me as I read The Lion King tonight to my daughter. I could not help a choking voice as I read through Simba running away bearing the responsibility of his father's murder. My little one, does not understand why mommy is so emotional reading the Lion King may be for a 100th time. She hugs me, tells me its OK amma. Simba will grow and come back to scare bad Scar away.

My heart is elsewhere....all those little hearts that read this story with their parents at least once. All those little hands that touched their mom, dad and laughed and cried, and put up a drama to get what they wanted, threw a tantrum to eat, to dress up, planned for the weekend, wrote a wish list for Santa, tried to behave for the presents Santa'll bring....all those little hearts that stopped beating. All the empty homes that stand in the darkness this minute trying to cope with this uncanny truth...

Mahabharatha talks about "Kali" kalam, where things go completely crazy. Where the order of the world changes...but i do not remember reading about such cruelty. Even in madness its beyond belief. A drowsy numbness soul screeches.

Is this what it is going to be? How many guns are out there waiting to take away lives within seconds, God knows how long it takes for death to happen after a gun shot, but we know its takes about 10 months of incubation period for a human life. That 10 months gets nullified in less than 10 minutes? What agony is this?

Some scholars thought about the country when they wrote the first and second amendment/ yes. True. They lived in a time that required self protection and required weapons. What is the time we live in? What inventions advancement we have? What kind of law enforcement we have now? Do we still need the same laws to apply? We talk going forward in rewriting laws for what we want. Why can't we apply the same to the weapons?

God give the parents the strength to heal from their loss. Heal them with love and your power. Do not enrage even one from these families...yes, it is injustice. yes it is inhuman and unfair beyond reason. But the world cannot handle another loss of innocent lives...

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