Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The long and short of life...

Life doesn't always (may be never) comes served on a silver platter. And absolutely no body cleans up after. So the set backs hit, I turn philosophical!

We don't get a chance determine our birth and our name. So how is that we think we determine our life? Like what we want to be, our job even our everyday activities as far as I am concerned seem to happen the way they pre determined. Well here I am getting confused.

So what exactly happens when traffic gets all clogged up on 85 Saround 5 PM every week day? Logic says too short lane merges and sudden exits causes the rush, but can we accept it when we 're running 3 mnts late, two exits behind for a same day doc appoinment??

Would we want our wonderful loving children to wake up and ask for the RR when we are getting cozy on a cold winter night after an excruciating day?

Many a time had a lain awake in the early morning dark hours thinking I'll wake up exactly at 5:30 and do all my routine things I want to do and start my day afresh. But alas, I'll fall asleep at 5:15 and wake up frantically at 7:15 with barely time to brush, pack lunch and get the kids ready for school. Where did I miss the time? between the wakefulness and sleep that lurked right behind me when I was thinking all those refreshing thoughts at 5:00 AM? Would it have been better if I had awoken at 5:00?

Ah....the "if"s of life....well they make life worth living. Giving optimism and desperation at the same moments!

Prepare to bake a corn bread from scratch and after getting it out the restless child wants it immediately. Tun the pan upside down and lo! instead of a perfect triangle we get a messy rumble. So what next?


Anjali said...

super article! I think it is the "if" in our life which makes our life very interesting. Atleast we hope for something by saying" what if!?"

Am i making any sense?

Kavitha said...

Oh absolutely...the endless "what ifs" are what that give so many innovations to the world and gets life moving beyond every single day!