Thursday, November 20, 2008

What are we leaving behind for our children?

I met with three of my son's friend's moms in a kiddie birthday party. All the children were busy jumping around in the huge inflatables. WIth absolutely nothing to do, mom's grouped up and started talking. After an array of usual topics - hair, nails, outfits, weight etc (can anyone tell me if women can talk anyting else when they chit chat?) we jumped on to more serious stuff.

The straigt and not so straight couples and their rights, The sanctity of "Marriage" etc etc. Suddenly out of no where one mom echoed my nightmare. She said "Sometimes I wonder what are we going to leave behind for our children?" Apparently she meant what kindof world. My thoughts started churning. It had been my nightmare ever since my first one was born.

As a mom with two young children I want to know my children will have a happy life as adults. But its almost impossible for me to visualize 50 years, even 20, from now. What kind of world is it going to be? With science so advancing and moral values so declining and the environmental treasures so depleting....

Will our children have good clean air to breath and clean water to drink? The small simple every day things we take for granted today, will they be available for our children? Kron4 just yesterday night was talking about a first of a kind conference to conserve water in the bay area. Rainfall is low, snow level is low, seasons are helter skelter. Wow it sure is scary to think of the future.

So I guess I will resort to my ususal practice - Prayer. I'll pray every single day to God to keep earth bountiful as always, to preserve the environment. Though selfish, I sure am praying for the whole community, world. If you beleive in prayer, please do for a mnt every day. So our children will have a safe life even after when we are not around.

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