Friday, December 11, 2009


Ye fellow parents! To read about budget woes is disheartening and to read how budget woes are affecting the future - which will lead to more budget woes is...oh soooo cruel. Confused what I'm talking about? Take a moment to read below.

America can spend trillions for war and justify it. Also America can cut millions from schools and justify it. Schools that produce the future generation. Future generation that shape the society. The society that plan another budget with aother crisis.

I was talking to my friend just yesterday who was longing for Clinton Era. She - lucky one who had experienced the Clinton Era said, everything was prosperopus and beautiful. What happened to all those prosperity in a decade? Did we give everything to the war - so much so that we are ready to deprive our children with essential education?

With misplaced priorities the whole humanity is tumbling into a void. God Save the Humanity.


Anjali said...

I completely agree with you. America has tons of money to spend for the war, imperialistic dominance for sure! I want to run off to India asap, i know this sounds stupid but frankly that is where i see a future for my kids!

Kavitha said...

I think thats not the solution for the issue we have at hand. Is it? I am thinking of more tangible goal setting for the state & federal budget. With right priorities, if we, as in Americans focus on the Country first and put World second - we can do a lot better in education, health care and recession. We ofcourse need the Army, Navy & AirForce. But we need not be at war all the time. Its really heart breaking to see our soldiers go for a war with no tangible goal in mind - loosing their lives and precious time with family. I am sad for 9/11 and mad too. But is this war serving any purpose in solving the issue??? We do not know how to pull out without loosing face and make cuts on Education. Thats what I had in mind.