Thursday, January 14, 2010

School Woes...

Can you understand trimming the roots and wanting the tree to grow tall, lush & healthy? I cannot. But that's what the country & the state are pushing the city & the school district do. Cupertino school district is one of the highly sought after, school district with good teacher student ratio, community and test scores.

But the latest announcement says they are going to lay off at least 30% of the teachers due to budget woes. Strikes a nerve at a place that hurts most. Imagine children cramped into a classroom with a teacher who can barely handle them with individual attention.

As a classroom parent volunteer I see how the teacher really have to be behind some students to get the work done - even in a 20:1 class. the teacher now makes sure every student gets the time and attention they deserve. Teacher can talk about every students pluses and minuses. If the class room size increases, how is this going to be possible??? I'm so sorry that our children are going to suffer because of something that we did not want happen. The war.

This monster's claws can reach out far and tear away the flesh with no conscience at all. We still call ourselves the best. I wonder.


Anjali said...

hmmm,something sure to worry about.

Kavitha said...

I guess no positivities in sight...