Thursday, November 19, 2009

From unexpected quarters...

I had taken my car for an oil change this morning. A small nearby store with an aura of friendliness and good service. Ever since we moved here, we have always taken our car here. Instead of dropping off the car and walking back home, i decided to sit and read my newspaper in a corner while they worked on my car.

The gentleman in the store offered coffee which I gratefully accepted. And a nice warm cup of fresh coffee warrants conversation. I don't remember how we started about disciplining today's children, the feeling of entitlement that's so prevalent in today's children, the feeling of guilt in parents etc etc. he was telling me how his daughter successfully disciplines his grandchildren. And told me "I just gave my daughter one lesson, a lesson that was handed down to me by my dad - Never try to discipline your child when you are angry".

Wow I had a feeling of enlightment! I think as parents mom or dad - we try to do exactly that and cry foul if the children do not listen to us. That gentleman today told me that walking away from what might become a parent/child confrontation and approaching the situation with calm sensible questions and answers will make the child understand that parents mean business!! How very simple and true!! I have read many parenting books and I'm sure they all professed the same thing - but it never struck a note as it did today!

We learn life's important lessons from every single person we meet, that is if we care to look closely and understand!


Anjali said...
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Anjali said...

Gosh, how many times i've tried to discipline my kids just when I am raging mad!

True, there is so much to learn when we step out into this big wide world. All we need is an open mind and the desire to learn!

Kavitha said...

Right on the mark! But its hard doing that many times isn't it??