Sunday, November 8, 2009

A heart breaking holiday.

With veteran's day around the corner, my son was singing "No schooool Wednesday, we're ooofff". I asked him why do you think you have off on Wednesday. "Oh its veterans day mommy". next moment"Daddy what are we doing on Wednesday?"

Well again that was enough to set me off on a lecture on Veteran's day. Suddenly I realized the little mind was too cramped with information about World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, War memorial that we visited in Washington DC and a lot of other stuff I was rattling off.

And now reading through today's Mercury News Local news section, I read about the San Francisco Veteran's day event and Google's VetNet. The magnanimity of those selfless people caught me dumbfound. I am able to sit in my room and type whatever i want to because some one is risking their lives to keep this nation fearless. We're able to wander around on the Golden Gate Bridge any time we want because some one again is braving hostile climates to protect our nation from those who might want to destroy us.

Dear GOD, I can only imagine the pain and agony of those parents, wives, brothers, sisters, children and friend's of those loved ones lost in war. Even to think of their losses is so heart wrenching. Those getting deployed to Afghanistan do not know if they are coming back. They still do not fear to go. And those who have come back from wars past have their lives irrevocably altered by what they saw and did in those wars.

I hope the magnanimity of veteran's day is not diminished by retailer's sale ideas. Now that this nation so diverse with immigrants culture, I wish someone takes the initiative to teach the children of today about the significance of Veteran's day. This is not just yet another holiday. Let us do some little thing, at least a little prayer to keep our people in uniform safe.

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