Friday, January 9, 2009

Email Etiquette!

Well to begin with I am no great personality to define any etiquette and i do not intend doing a definition. But I think as a person who responds to my emails pretty regularly I am well qualified to "talk" about email etiquette.

Email was a great communication revolution in the late 20th century. Emails are easier to send and receive than the postal mails, 'coz they save writing time - of course typing out is easier than writing, searching and finding an envelope, stamping and walking to the post office or mail box to send it. Then waiting for the mail to reach the person sent and to hear back. When we get a reply in the post, how happy and good it used to feel? I do lament the invention of email some times 'coz it feels great to read the written letter from a loved one and the family. From anybody for that matter. Every letter has a spirit to it. Well that apart -

Email, when we do send them we intend communication. Can communication always be one way? How would it feel if we call a person on the phone and start yapping and the other person never even says an umm or ah? What kind of communication is that? I think un reciprocated emails work the same way as unresponsive calls.

I for one expect an acknowledgment or reply to my question whenever I send an email to my friends and family. But there are many people in the world who do not acknowledge or respond to emails. What might be their thought process? I wonder if people are too busy that they do not have time to hit the reply button and type out a few nice words or thank you or a response to a question? Oh no but what about the ones who send them? Those kind of people do put me off, I never want to communicate with them.

Wouldn't it be nice if the world responds to emails? I do not mean junk mails of course. Real genuine mails from people you know, who had sent you information and are waiting to know if you find them useful? I feel every intentional emails with a wish, communication or information we need should get a response. Well only I seem to feel that way. But never mind I am at peace 'coz I do that always!