Friday, January 9, 2009

Will Obama prove to be a transformational global leader?

This is a survey question( very similar to many others) I come across on many websites after Barack Obama got elected as the President. All I want to do is to scream out loud FOR GOD'S SAKE GIVE THIS PERSON A CHANCE AT THE OFFICE before wanting to come to a conclusion, stop all the speculations you bird brains.

Agreed the country is in rags. Agreed the depression is greater than the great depression. But its a mess created and systematically piled upon layer after layer on the American people, on the American Economy and on the American Dream. All we have now is a nightmare. A nightmare beyond comprehension.

And Obama is no magician. He is a person with a promise. And he is a person with a promise of change and lots of limitations. However much happy about his election, I am sad and sorry that a historic change for America has to happen at such historic bad economy and challenging hard times. Undoing whats been done in the past eight years is going to take time. We should remember Obama is not armed with a magic wand or any God like powers. So lets pray God to give him the strength and the kind of experienced, knowledgeable support in the cabinet to steer America out of the destructive twister and restore stability, confidence and hope in the American people.

Lets let him take one step at a time and not expect any leaps. With leaps we may falter and get hurt, with careful steps we will reach our destination strong and sound. With proper planning, measures and support, We might take longer to be where we want to be, but we sure will be stronger. God Bless America and God Bless Barack Obama.

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