Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's day blues?

I got a cute, all scribbles over, colorful, funny to read hat book today from my older one. it started something like this "My mommy wears lot of different hats..." He had written about things I had taught him, cooked for him and enjoyed with him. What interesting observation and funny imaginations these 6 year olds have. Ouch 6 years??? is it already 6 years?

Life seems to be flying on a wings. It was just like yesterday, a warm Friday afternoon my little one greeted the world. And its three years! All my visits to emergency units, urgent care, frantic calls to pediatricians, midnight runs to pharmacies, everything seems so distant. In spite of a most dramatic infancy and toddlerhood, this little girl never stops to amaze me with her resiliance, curiosity and enthusiasm.

Its interesting to see her hold conversations with adults in the haircut shop, libraries and grocery stores. Is the fearless attitude an attribute of infancy or a sample of character? The abundance of love she showers on us is one of the two things that keeps me going on the mommy job with endless appointments, chauffeuring, play dates and 'oh no baby because you are 2nd, I am not spending enough time with you' guilt trips.

A toothy grin, a warm hug, some sloppy kisses and 'mommy you look cute' dialogues - ahh... "God is in his heaven and all is well with the world"

Thank God for children, they make the world livable.

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