Friday, May 22, 2009

The Shadow

As recession deepens, I feel a shadow, the shadow of fear dampen our lives in this Land of Opportunity, Freedom and Safety. As the opportunities dwindle, freedom and safety seem to vanish in thin air too.

Until recently I was so unafraid to go to Safeway after 11:00 PM, grab a cup of Java from Starbucks and browse through the aisles, just to wind down, relax and shop in peace for weekly groceries. Now, I do not want to step out after dark. Some strange sense of insecurity prevails. My husband calls me insane sometimes. I don't know.

Just yesterday, California Governor is announcing serious cuts on Education, Health care and Law Enforcement. Like a color blind person searching for a black cat in the darkness, the government is trying to grapple with the 21 Billion budget deficit. But is this decision or proposal to cut on the heart of Future and nerve of today wise?? What happened to the priorities? Or is the strongest claws of recession disable us and misplace the priorities?

Think , Think, Think...

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