Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Elusive enigma

Being a woman myself, I have always wondered what a fathomless passage a woman's heart is. Can any one, including the woman herself ever understand the thought process her mind/heart is involved in?? I wonder.

Fear not my friend, I'm not doing a self examination here! Its just the frustrated output of a fruitless endeavor I was involved involuntarily in over the past two weeks. When a family is distorted, I feel sad and the typical 'do gooder' monster hiding way deep inside starts showing up with a flashing message "You can do something, try try try try try..." When the cry gets too much, yours truly springs into action with full energy, only to spring back into the shell all confused, manipulated and frustrated.

I thought I can be really honest with myself and sincere to another friend, to understand the issues. But looks like I am totally lost. You know when there is a path to reconciliate, if some one does not want to re conciliate what can you - the third person do? You do not agree with that person's way of life. Can you let your values be infringed?

Wow we hear so much about men's inability to understand women's thoughts. So true. Its only an elusive enigma. A royal mirage. The closer you get, the farther you feel.


Anjali said...

That is one fantastic way you have articulated your thoughts and I 100% agree with you on this one! Trying to relieve some one else's burden can more often than not make you yourself feel so stressed, hopeless and what not that you begin to wonder if it is really worth travelling the mile..Hope you are feeling better...

Kavitha said...

Yes A. When things go overboard, stepping away is better isn't it?